
Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ is the world’s leading innovator, designer and manufacturer of diving surface supplied air systems often referred to as Hookah diving systems. Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ systems appeal to a wide range of clients ranging from the boating family seeking new adventures to the experienced diver that identifies with the simplicity and efficiency for shallow to moderate depths all the way up to the luxury yachts owners and crew.

Looking for a new THIRD LUNG™ system or components for your current system? Check our list of our Authorized Dealer near you. Great systems for recreational diving, lobster hunting, underwater photography, spearfishing, exploration and more! Fun for your whole family!

Are you looking to expand your business opportunities by offering a “Next Step Up” from snorkeling or an Alternative to the traditional scuba? Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ is looking for Dealers educated in the Diving and/or Marine related industry that are looking to take on the business of supplying to their clientele quality hookah diving equipment.

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