Online Training

With the purchase of a Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ system, we provide a free of charge, a comprehensive online training program for users to prepare themselves for tankless diving. If you purchase a used system and would like to take the online program, this is available for $95. Please contact our team with your request.

Yes, you do. Here is why?

No Decompression Limit Diving (NDL): By definition (NDL) is a time limit for the amount of time a diver can stay at a given depth. A diver who stays underwater longer than the no-decompression limit for his dive must pause periodically as he ascends to avoid a high risk of decompression sickness.

A diver that dives within the first 33 ft of water significantly reduces the risks of any decompression sickness.

Promoting safe diving practices has always been vital to our Brownie’s Team.  In addition to the Free on-line training programs that are provided with every Brownie’s system, we are adding another level of safety by promoting NDL diving between 0-33 feet.

This is part of our continued efforts in keeping family diving safe and fun and the reason Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ provides a FREE HOOKAH TRAINING COURSE with the purchase of any hookah compressor package.

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Steps and process.

You can purchase additional hookah course sign-up codes for friends or family from your local Brownie’s Third Lung dealer

Time to get wet.

The online course will provide academic knowledge. To complete your training you’ll need to practice that knowledge in a controlled environment before venturing into “open water”. The course website,, includes a list of affiliated independent scuba instructors and professional dive stores by geographic region. You should enroll in an in-water skills course with a professional scuba instructor to review your academic knowledge and practice your water skills.

Your instructor will review with you the topics covered in the online course and evaluate your comprehension of the course content. Next, they will arrange a series of dives in a controlled environment (usually a pool) to practice breathing through a regulator and other water skills. He or she will share techniques to improve your efficiency and comfort in the water. By working closely with your instructor, you will become a better (and safer) diver.

As with any activity, you must be in adequate physical condition to participate safely. Check with your doctor before beginning any new activity that may induce stress, including diving.

Medical Statements & Guidelines.

You can download a questionnaire to review with your doctor on our website.

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No. You will not receive a dive certification, but rather, gain valuable knowledge about tankless diving. You will receive a certificate of completion once you complete the online course. You will also have the ability to print and save your certificate for your records. You can find your online training program registration in the owners manual of your brand new Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ system.

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