Manuals and Catalogs

Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ offers a wealth of products, services and expertise.  With the vastness of this it can sometimes be tricky for you to find the specific item you are looking for which is why we have set up this menu item. We hope that this will aid your search and be helpful to you. If you don’t find what you are looking for, Contact Us and we’ll be glad to assist you.

8 Page booklet with a variation of Brownie’s systems and related products.

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24 Page booklet with the Sea LiON™ system, information and related products.

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Brownie’s THIRD LUNG™ Quick Start for your gasoline diving systems. From how to use your system to how to maintain and store your system the securely and properly right way.

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​​Supports the following systems:
F285BE, F285X, F390X

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Supports the following systems:
Sea LiOn™

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Suports the following systems:
C270, C390, CTD390

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​Supports the following systems:
E150 & E250

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​Supports the following systems:
VS265 & VS335

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​Supports the following system:

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​Instructions and set up of equipment.

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As with any activity, you must be in adequate physical condition to participate safely. Check with your doctor before beginning any new activity that may induce stress, including diving. You can download the following questionnaire to review with your doctor.

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​Full list of compressor parts breakdown.

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Express assumption of risk associated with diving and the use of Brownie’s THIRD LUNG products.

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